COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update: 4-19-20
The health and safety of our customers and our associates is of the utmost importance. Although our doors are still closed, to ensure safety and CDC compliance, we are wiping down tables, chairs, desks, door handles, and arcade games daily. We clean the restrooms and wipe down the counters daily.
We are also working to implement daily cleaning schedules and activities that will carry forward from now, and as we reopen for business. We monitor the CDC and WHO websites daily to make sure everything we do is in their guidelines, and we hope our actions will lead to our doors being opened sooner rather than later.
In a time that the news and media cannot always be trusted, we hope to update with the most accurate information we are given, from trusted sources.
Please be safe and we hope to see everyone real soon.
Thank You…. Troy and Kim Boyd